本文汇总了一些 mysql errorlog 有关的 case,仅供日后参考。
场景1:[Warning] Aborted connection
[Warning] Aborted connection xx to db: 'db' user: 'xxx' host: 'hostname' (Got an error reading communication packets)
[Warning] Aborted connection xx to db:'unconnected' user: 'root' host: '' (Got timeout reading communication packets)
[Warning] Aborted connection 109 to db:'xxx' user: 'yy' host: '' (Got an error writing communication packets)
[Warning] Got an error writing communication packets
- 1.client 会话链接未正常关闭,程序没有调用mysql_close()
- 2.空闲时间超过 wait_timeout 或 interactive_timeout 设置的秒数
set global interactive_timeout=20;
set global wait_timeout=20;
- 3.查询数据包大小超过max_allowed_packet数值,造成链接中断
- 4.其他网络或者硬件层面的问题。比如网络连接超过 connect_timout