- 准备测试数据
use bak;
create table if not exists staff(id varchar(6), name varchar(20), post varchar(8));
create table if not exists hr(id varchar(6), salary int, grade varchar(8));
insert into staff values ('A1','jason','dba');
insert into staff values ('B2','zhang','it');
insert into staff values ('C3','sam','devops');
insert into hr values ('A1',8000,'p5');
insert into hr values ('A1',4000,'m1'); #.id重复
insert into hr values ('B2',6000,'p3');
insert into hr values ('D4',7000,'m2');
内连接 inner join/join
- 内连接仅返回两个表中完全匹配的行,所以内连接可能会丢失信息
- join 其实就是 inner join,是 inner join 缩写
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a inner join hr b on;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a join hr b on;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- inner join 不加筛选条件,返回的是笛卡尔积
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a inner join hr b;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| B2 | zhang | it | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| C3 | sam | devops | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| C3 | sam | devops | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| A1 | jason | dba | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| C3 | sam | devops | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| A1 | jason | dba | D4 | 7000 | m2 |
| B2 | zhang | it | D4 | 7000 | m2 |
| C3 | sam | devops | D4 | 7000 | m2 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
左连接 left join
- 保留了第一个表满足where条件的所有行,但只包含第二个表与第一个表匹配的行,第二个表相应的空行被放入NULL值
- 简言之“以左表为主,右表中无对应左表的记录时,右表以null填充”
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b on;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| C3 | sam | devops | NULL | NULL | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
- left join 不带on关联条件则会报错(而 inner join 则不会,笛卡尔积嘛)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b where;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where' at line 1
右连接 right join
- 保留了第二个表满足where条件的所有行,但只包含第二个表与第一个表匹配的行,第一个表相应的空行被放入NULL值
- 简言之“以右表为主,左表中无对应右表的记录时,左表以null填充”
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a right join hr b on;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | D4 | 7000 | m2 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
- right join 不带on关联条件则会报错(而 inner join 则不会,笛卡尔积嘛)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a right join hr b;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a right join hr b where;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where'A1'' at line 1
不支持 full outer join
- full outer join 会把满足where条件的两个表所有的行都显示在结果中
- MySQL 不支持 full outer join,但可以通过 a left join b UNION a right join b 来实现
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a full outer join hr b on;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'full outer join hr b on' at line 1
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b on union select a.*,b.* from staff a right join hr b on;
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | B2 | 6000 | p3 |
| C3 | sam | devops | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | D4 | 7000 | m2 |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
- 若要使用 full outer join,也可以考虑使用其他支持该功能的数据库,例如Oracle、SQL Server、PostgreSQL等
- mysql 几种 join 类型的效果图如下:
- 注意 left join 和 inner join 所返回的不同结果集
- 注意 左连接查询的返回数据记录条数并非是左表的数据总条数
左连接查询,以左表为主,右表中无对应左表的记录时,右表以null填充;当右表中有多条数据对应左表时,左表的记录和对应右表的多条记录便会联合出现多条记录,这种情况下联合查询的总条数便会多于左表的数据记录;当只想返回左表的数据条数时,可通过 group by 左表主键即可。
(root@localhost) [bak]> select from staff a left join hr b on;
| id |
| A1 |
| A1 |
| B2 |
| C3 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select from staff a left join hr b on group by;
| id |
| A1 |
| B2 |
| C3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- 注意 where 后面添加过滤条件 != 1
返回的结果集中,除了会过滤联合查询结果中 = 1
的数据,同样会将 is null
union 与 union all 的区别
- 注意 union 与 union all 的区别(UNION去重,而UNION ALL不去重)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select id,name from staff union all select id,name from staff;
| id | name |
| A1 | jason |
| B2 | zhang |
| C3 | sam |
| A1 | jason |
| B2 | zhang |
| C3 | sam |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select id,name from staff union select id,name from staff;
| id | name |
| A1 | jason |
| B2 | zhang |
| C3 | sam |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- 内连接(inner join)把筛选条件放到where或on里面,效率和结果集一样,因为inner join本身仅返回两个表中完全匹配的行。
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a inner join hr b on and name='jason';
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a inner join hr b on where name='jason';
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- 半连接(left/right join)把筛选条件放到where或on里面,效率和结果集则不一样
放在on 中 先根据条件查成临时表,再用临时表和基表左关联,基表在关联表中无对应的则以null填充
放在where 中 先根据关联条件查出临时表再去除不符合条件的记录,这样基表在右表中无关联的记录会被去掉
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b on and name='jason';
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
| B2 | zhang | it | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| C3 | sam | devops | NULL | NULL | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(root@localhost) [bak]> select a.*,b.* from staff a left join hr b on where name='jason';
| id | name | post | id | salary | grade |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 8000 | p5 |
| A1 | jason | dba | A1 | 4000 | m1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)